Your contribution to the Georgia Solar Energy Association supports our efforts to extend the benefits of solar energy to all Georgians. Your contribution is tax-deductible. It helps us promote solar adoption, remove artificial barriers to solar installation, provide information and networking opportunities to solar professionals, and encourage industry best practices. Support economic growth, good jobs, clean air and energy cost savings statewide with your contribution to GA Solar.
If you are interested in donating to GA Solar, you can send a check to:
Georgia Solar Energy Association
1199 Euclid Ave, NE
Atlanta, GA, 30307
The Georgia Solar Energy Association (GA Solar) supports the development of a robust solar industry in Georgia through advocacy, education and outreach. We are primarily a membership dues supported organization. Member dues go directly into advocacy, education and outreach to grow solar in Georgia.
(Note: Dues Renew on a rolling calendar from the date of initial membership)
This level is designed for solar homeowners/businesses, students and individuals without a for-profit connection to the GA Solar Industry.
This level is designed for non-profit corporations, educational institutions (community, K-12 and Higher Ed) and local governments, Federal/State and Local agencies.
These levels are based on annual revenues.
GA Solar offers customized event and activity sponsorships to enhance your exposure to other members and businesses. For information on specific sponsorship opportunities visit the Events Calendar or E-mail us at
E-mail us at - or
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